Nomad Basics


In our office we use Nomads to take x-rays. These are high tech machines which emit a small amount of radiation allowing us to stay in the room safely while getting a great image. While these units are very safe, they do require a special technique.  Our in-office protocols are as follows regarding patient and operator safety:

Patient safety:

  • Cover patient with lead apron.  Lead aprons are located in each operatory on the wall hanger. The ADA has issued guidance that this is no longer necessary. However, we find that our patients are more comfortable when the apron is used.
  • Place the shield of the nomad as close as possible to the patient.
  • Anyone accompanying the patient will be required to leave the room while the x-rays are being taken.
  • The Nomad unit is not stored in the patient operatories.                                                                                     

 Operator safety:

Operators must have extensive knowledge of how to use the Nomad devices while keeping themselves and patients safe.  The following guidelines are required in our office:

  • Always ensure that the Nomad is not banged or dropped. Report to Team Lead immediate in the event of a dropped Nomad.  The device must be sent in for service and re-calibration immediately to ensure equipment is fully functional and safe for operator and patient.
  • Do not remove the shied from the Nomad. The shield ensures protection from scatter radiation.
  • Place back-scatter shield at the outer end of the collimator.
  • Positioning yourself while taking x-rays is important. Operators body must always stay behind the shield. The shield must remain parallel to the operator’s body. Patient head must tilt for some angles instead of the parallel line with the operator being broken. DO NOT BREAK THE PARALLEL LINE OF THE SHIELD AND THE OPERATOR’S BODY.
  • Never extend the operator’s hand in front of the shield when taking a radiograph.
  • X-ray badges are worn on all operator’s bodies and are obtained from the Office Manager. Employees can check their badge exposure anytime.
  • When the Nomad is not in use, the units are stored in secured and safe area away from patients with the battery removed and in lock mode.


For more information please refer to the manufacturer’s best practices as it relates to using the Nomad devices. 

 Watch the videos below before you take the NOMAD test:

Before you can use the Nomad you need to pass the written test.  You also need to demonstrate the following skills to your team lead.

  • Connect handset (battery) to Nomad Pro 2
  • Demonstrate the correct way to hold the Nomad Pro 2
  • Power on the Nomad Pro 2
  • Demonstrate how to Lock the X-rays
  • Ready the Nomad Pro 2
  • Power down the Nomad Pro 2
  • Charge a handset on the charging cradle
  • Demonstrate how to store the Nomad Pro 2