Restorative Blocks
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To Make Sure We Have Room For Restorative Work And Also Schedule To Production We Work Off Of Blocks. The schedule is set to only show doctors columns on the days that they are scheduled to work regularly.
Crown blocks no more than 3 across at the same time (bc we have 3 mills)
1.5 hours
Can be staggered 30 minutes and add additional
Should Be In All Doctors Books On The 3rd Floor
30 Minute Restorative or Emergency Block on the side of crown at 30 minutes in. Should be removed and blocked if more than one crown is scheduled or other restorative work on the crown patient.
Total number of crown blocks 3 per doctor per day
Root Canal Blocks
1.5 hours
No more than 2 across
All doctors on 3rd Floor except Dr. Bill
4 total per day
Jonathan should have one every day he works and other docs rotate them
60 Minute Blocks
For longer restorative appointments. Typically high value
Can be in first or second column.
Typically first 10 minutes can overlap another block
A block “do not schedule” should be put in the column next to the 60 minute block
40 Minute Blocks
We do not want short appointments back to back.
Can be in either column
Should be used to fill in the schedule
Emergency Blocks
Can only be scheduled in 24 hours in advance
2 per doctor per day.
30 Minute Blocks
Only side by side to crowns.
Fill in spaces that are not already taken up by crowns.
The below is an example of a Tuesday. This is only an example and should not be used to copy over and over.